Selamat Hari Raya Puasa!! LOL
it was a public holiday so char and me decided to go birdpark!
its very near NTU actually. just need to take 194 at boonlay interchange and it will take u straight there in like 20 minutes or so?

Reaching the place around noon becos i was lazy to wake up early.
paid the price cos we had to queue up for 20mins. :((((

Taking a photo while queuing.
thats what u do when u are bored.

So damn bored queuing that i fell asleep standing!!

Saw some mandarin ducks and a solitary black goose.
children kept feeding them non stop.
i think they are damn fat and big.

trying to find a shorter queue to the ticket counter!!

Finally we got in after a long wait!!
red ibisis are the 1st birds we saw and took photos.
hahahaha. their shit stank. i wonder how char managed to smile?

Some kinda of big fat Royal emperor pigeon.
dun really remember the name. lol

So many of the big fat pigeons. hahaha.
char trying to kiss one of them...
but they were too faraway.

Yeah!! my 1st picture of the day!!
cos i was busy taking photos of char with the birds. lol
i look so goood. yum yum

Saw some banana flowers!! freaking humongous shits
looks like a dick head to me. HAHAHAHAHA

A Hornbill.

A Toucan.
notice the difference!?? one has horns but the other doesn't!!

Went to feed the lories.
lory is a kinda of bird just so you know.
they are damn colourful and noisy.
sounds like that stupid vehicle that we use for logistics.
but its not. hahahaha. they are so much more cuter!

Me feeding them.
they were fighting with each other with their beaks and claws.
damn fierce!!

close up of the lories!

Saw an ugly parakeet.
it had purple feathers on his head and tummy.
not really a nice combi with green.

Saw the bird show at the Open Amphitheatre.
The parrots played basketball and sang songs.
quite impressed when the parrot sang 4 different songs in English, Chinese, Malay, Japanese.
more zai than me. i cannot even do that.
i think i need to really ask that parrot to teach me how to sing. LOL

More pictures of me and char.

After that we went to see the "Kings of the Skies".
It was a show that showcased all the birds of prey in Jurong bird park.
the Eagles were HUGE!!

I volunteered Char by raising her hand and got her to participate.
she had to feed the humongous himalayan vulture.

Pelicans sleeping their day away.

The tallest man-made waterfall in the world is actually found in Jurong Bird Park.
Just so you know. hahahahaha

More pictures of us!! :))))))

Bird Park was fun!!
next time we will be going night safari. lol
i hope that time char remembers to charge her camera.
she is such a klutz. HAHAHAHAHA