The last sunday morning before 2007 comes to a close and we usher in 2008. it has really been a year of ups and downs for me. studies-wise i have not really done well. thermo is a killer for me. SU14 was fabulous but SU15 eluded me. I had a wonderful Shebec with a wonderful Co GL. haven't really walked closer to God for the past year or should i say i have back slided. I have broken and made new relationships. Things have become more complicated for me. I have to really think about what i want to do with my future because i will be graduating in 2 and a half years if my grades permit me to. People have left and came back into my life.
But i guess all these have taught me only one thing which is that i should no longer whine and grime about the things that have passed but to look forward to the things that are in the future. Hoping that i can improve the things that are to come. I really need to learn from the mistakes of my past and stop committing the same mistakes all over again. Seeking forgiveness is really what i need to do. I guess i still haven't stuck to the new year resolution of cutting down on cursing and swearing so i will have to bring it over to the new year. 2008 will be a good year. I know it and i will make it a good year for me. May God bless us.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Seaworld Laojiao Supper!!
Steph, Jasper, Ah Boy, Cheewee, Ashley and Chengling went. Chunpoo didn't make it in time. We sort of celebrated Felicia's birthday. i guess all of us weren't important compared to that special person. LOL
I am getting fat from all the late night suppers!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
damn shag damn shag
its been really damn shag for me. especially the past few days. i have been waking up everyday at 830am despite sleeping only at 4am the night before. it seems like i have lost the ability to snooze in my bed to as late as possible, a privilege that i used to have but now i am unable to use it. =(
damn tired after polo training. fell asleep in evening. woke up at night. missed 4 calls. missed her. ignored. confused and lost. apologetic but to deaf ears. blogging. hungry and dejected.
damn tired after polo training. fell asleep in evening. woke up at night. missed 4 calls. missed her. ignored. confused and lost. apologetic but to deaf ears. blogging. hungry and dejected.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Halo nights
Thursday, December 13, 2007
How to Shoot 3 pointers
this is how u shoot 3 pointers in a basketball game. I think i should start practicing on how to do it. haha
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Soccer soccer..
Arsenal goes down to Middlesbrough
Liverpool are a COCK team!!
And Man Utd delivers again!! yeah!! :)
And finally Man Utd has close the gap down on the leader Arsenal.
I guess there might be a chance for us to win the Premier League Title again this year!!
exams over
yeah the exams are over.
been spending alot of time trying to relax.
but there are more things after exams during the holiday. :(
busy with ISG. busy with IHG( i am the Polo Captain of Hall 2). busy with drinking and playing mahjong. busy with trying to act like Alex Ferguson to steer Manchester United to a successive EPL season without losing a single game. busy with trying to act like a good momma's boy.
haha. wat a stupid life.
cant wait for all my overseas frens to come back!!! everyone is going for holidays overseas and i am stuck here in stupid singapore. sian to the max.
been spending alot of time trying to relax.
but there are more things after exams during the holiday. :(
busy with ISG. busy with IHG( i am the Polo Captain of Hall 2). busy with drinking and playing mahjong. busy with trying to act like Alex Ferguson to steer Manchester United to a successive EPL season without losing a single game. busy with trying to act like a good momma's boy.
haha. wat a stupid life.
cant wait for all my overseas frens to come back!!! everyone is going for holidays overseas and i am stuck here in stupid singapore. sian to the max.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
dear old ashley
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I DO NOT KNOW WHY BUT I AM FEELING SO MUCH ANGST AND EMOTIONS IN ME NOW!! THE AMOUNT OF ANGER THAT IS IN ME... WTF! IF i had a knife now i would freaking stab it into anybody.
doesn't matter if tomorrow is my last paper. i dun feel stress i dun feel relief to know that tomorrow is my last paper.
can someone tell me why i am feeling dis way. God please help me. please.
doesn't matter if tomorrow is my last paper. i dun feel stress i dun feel relief to know that tomorrow is my last paper.
can someone tell me why i am feeling dis way. God please help me. please.
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Young and The Brave

I just want to dedicate this entry to the 5 national dragon boaters that died in cambodia just last week. Its really a tragedy to see 5 young promising young men with so much passion for something they really like to die just like that. Condolences to the family members and i hope that all my friends who knew the 5 of them would stay strong. Although i do not know them personally it still saddens the heart when i read of the news in the newspaper.
The 5 of them are Mr Reuben Kee En Rui, 23, Mr Stephen Loh Soon Ann, 31, Mr Chee Wei Cheng, 20, Mr Jeremy Goh Tze Xiong, 24, and Mr Poh Boon San, 27.
They will forever be remembered in the hearts of their loved ones and friends.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Standard Chartered Marathon
Going to run in the Standard Chartered Marathon in the coming sunday. went to collect my runner's pack from suntec just this saturday. it was so "QIAO"!! i met weilian and eddy who came down from school and i went from home. they were complaining to me about helping so much people collecting their race package. LOL. all those lazy farkers. Anyway the stuff inside the bag was quite shitty except for the singlet and the shoebag and maybe the free deep heat that came along. i think this year's singlet is so much nicer than previous year.

If u guys wan u can come down to support me on 02 December.
can check out the the standard chartered marathon website.

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
3 more papers left
Question: What's a mix between a Bangla and an Indian?
Ans: Bangl-a-neh
what a stupid joke. i can't believe i thought of that. i am really going crazy.
Question: What's a mix between a Chinese with bangla nipples?
Ans: i think i know but i cannot type the ans here.
Anyway based on the bio-molecular engineering notes that i am studying now. being stress releases a hormone in your body that will cause the cells in you to continually break down the fatty acids that are in your body into the components needed to generate energy. so to all the girls out there who wanna be slim. go ahead and make yourself stressed. dun be too relax cos relaxation makes u fat! hahahaha. lucky i am not fat. dun have to worry so much.
Ans: Bangl-a-neh
what a stupid joke. i can't believe i thought of that. i am really going crazy.
Question: What's a mix between a Chinese with bangla nipples?
Ans: i think i know but i cannot type the ans here.
Anyway based on the bio-molecular engineering notes that i am studying now. being stress releases a hormone in your body that will cause the cells in you to continually break down the fatty acids that are in your body into the components needed to generate energy. so to all the girls out there who wanna be slim. go ahead and make yourself stressed. dun be too relax cos relaxation makes u fat! hahahaha. lucky i am not fat. dun have to worry so much.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
lonely supper
i didn't realise eating supper alone would taste so bad.
it doesn't go better with being ignored
it has really been a long time since i felt so much.
i hate myself.
why am i so stupid.
it doesn't go better with being ignored
it has really been a long time since i felt so much.
i hate myself.
why am i so stupid.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
screwed on a tuesday morning
nothing to say. just felt a need to put an entry to make myself remember how hard i am being screwed now by fluids. thanks alot NTU. i love the education. stupid me. praying hard.
Friday, November 16, 2007
this is the stupid song by Jay Chou that is so nice which made me and Weilian sing so loud in our room until we got complained and warned by out Hall officer Albert. I didn't know singing in your room can get u evicted too! hahahahaha.
anyway here is the lyrics. damn nice.
我們的開始 是很長的電影
放映了三年 我票都還留著
冰上的芭蕾 腦海中還在旋轉
望著你 慢慢忘記你
朦朧的時間 我們溜了多遠
冰刀劃的圈 圈起了誰改變
如果再重來 會不會稍嫌狼狽
再給我兩分鐘 讓我把記憶結成冰
記得你叫我忘了吧 記得你叫我忘了吧
你說你會哭 不是因為在乎
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
my female hamster "yafen"
My hamster yafen. hahaha. lucky she doesn't read my blog. she will never know my hamster is named after her. but if u are wondering why i named it after her? just read my bottom entries.
anyway i just played with her for awhile as i was bored after studying. but decided to take a photo of her as she is a super irritating hamster. keep pushing all the food stored in her mouth. and the food stinks like shit due to the smelly mouth that she has. i wonder why? she don't even smoke. BWAHAHAHA. she also damn fat. She feels just like a furry ball whenever i carry her.
i should starve her to let her lose some weight. i am such a good owner.

My other hamster shown below is called commando because he survived 4 days 4 night without food and water in his previous owner's room. somehow he was found lying in the laundry pail dying but junyi managed to nurse him back to health. Commando is abit eccentric as he loves to sleep like shown below perched on somewhere high. crazy. maybe he thinks he is a bird. but nevertheless he has damn big balls. BWAHAHA. he is going to be a father soon!!

i should starve her to let her lose some weight. i am such a good owner.

My other hamster shown below is called commando because he survived 4 days 4 night without food and water in his previous owner's room. somehow he was found lying in the laundry pail dying but junyi managed to nurse him back to health. Commando is abit eccentric as he loves to sleep like shown below perched on somewhere high. crazy. maybe he thinks he is a bird. but nevertheless he has damn big balls. BWAHAHA. he is going to be a father soon!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
exams and so so much more
A few more days more to exams. I really need to start piah-ing.
Its really a bad time.
Being important to someone feels very good.
I must stick to my words and my promises.
No more disappointment to my loved ones.
I want a new T-shirt.
Miss my father. More than i thought i would.
Fluids and thermo is killing me.
I hate Santosh.
I must do quiet time regularly.
I have ugly hair. sucks.
New spectacles would do wonders for me now.
6 days to my 1st paper.
11 days to my first core paper.
Its really a bad time.
Being important to someone feels very good.
I must stick to my words and my promises.
No more disappointment to my loved ones.
I want a new T-shirt.
Miss my father. More than i thought i would.
Fluids and thermo is killing me.
I hate Santosh.
I must do quiet time regularly.
I have ugly hair. sucks.
New spectacles would do wonders for me now.
6 days to my 1st paper.
11 days to my first core paper.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
studying in school
Today i went to study with my 2 damn zai seniors of CBE-yafen and jasper. Both of them are slackers but still do damn well in exams. well it was sort of a coincidence of meeting them as i went to the computer lab for my computing tutorial and turns out that it was cancelled so i ended up studying there for my final exams. We were there until 1am so jasper and i decided to play a prank on yafen and we locked her out of the building without her access card. so she was stuck out there pouting and begging us for a full 15 mins before we relented. anw yafen is human hamster. she loves kua zi and she was eating it the whole time while studying in the computer lab. damn noisy. just like my hamsters.
SO i have decided to name my female hamster yafen. haha. still looking for a name for the male one.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Ivy's n Zhaofeng Bday!!
he is a horny guy.
damn lots of scandals.
anw my hair is damn ugly. fuck.
All in SU15 except me. =(
nvm i hope it rains on SU15 universe bbq.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
SU14 seniors camp
Thursday, November 1, 2007
i am really such an idiot at times. i do not fail to surprise myself at the stupidity of the actions that i do that will cause hurt to my friends around me and esp my loved ones. i guess forgiveness is always hard to seek. one person said trustworthiness is something i do not have or repute to have. i was really shocked. i've always thought that i would be a trustworthy person with a great sense of responsibility. i guess i was always living in a illusion.
Nobody trusts nobody because in this world people always have to put up a mask or a front in order to not get hurt. That is why its always hard to really know someone and be friends with someone. Try as i might to be the correct person or the right person or the perfect person, but i will always fail. i will never live up the expectations of the people around me. its not that i cannot but somehow or rather i will screw it up halfway all the time, either intentionally or accidentally. and life just continues to move on. leaving only me behind to wallow in my mud of misery.
2nd chances will never come.i think.i hope it comes for me.its always hard to rebuild something as compared to tearing something down.sigh.mistakes really hurt.
Nobody trusts nobody because in this world people always have to put up a mask or a front in order to not get hurt. That is why its always hard to really know someone and be friends with someone. Try as i might to be the correct person or the right person or the perfect person, but i will always fail. i will never live up the expectations of the people around me. its not that i cannot but somehow or rather i will screw it up halfway all the time, either intentionally or accidentally. and life just continues to move on. leaving only me behind to wallow in my mud of misery.
2nd chances will never come.i think.i hope it comes for me.its always hard to rebuild something as compared to tearing something down.sigh.mistakes really hurt.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
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