anyway i just played with her for awhile as i was bored after studying. but decided to take a photo of her as she is a super irritating hamster. keep pushing all the food stored in her mouth. and the food stinks like shit due to the smelly mouth that she has. i wonder why? she don't even smoke. BWAHAHAHA. she also damn fat. She feels just like a furry ball whenever i carry her.
i should starve her to let her lose some weight. i am such a good owner.

My other hamster shown below is called commando because he survived 4 days 4 night without food and water in his previous owner's room. somehow he was found lying in the laundry pail dying but junyi managed to nurse him back to health. Commando is abit eccentric as he loves to sleep like shown below perched on somewhere high. crazy. maybe he thinks he is a bird. but nevertheless he has damn big balls. BWAHAHA. he is going to be a father soon!!

i should starve her to let her lose some weight. i am such a good owner.

My other hamster shown below is called commando because he survived 4 days 4 night without food and water in his previous owner's room. somehow he was found lying in the laundry pail dying but junyi managed to nurse him back to health. Commando is abit eccentric as he loves to sleep like shown below perched on somewhere high. crazy. maybe he thinks he is a bird. but nevertheless he has damn big balls. BWAHAHA. he is going to be a father soon!!

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