this is how the conversation went:
joel: hello
Agency: hello. is this joel? i'm calling for create talents and i need you to submit pictures of ur hands for a hand job.
joel: huh??? (i was woken up from my afternoon nap by a person asking me to do a handjob. so i was thinking like wat the fuck??) hand job??
agency: yah a hand modeling job.
joel: huh? you sure??
this continued for awhile..
Agency: yeah. so can you please email me photos of your hands from wrist upwards??
joel: (still blur) okok can can.. wrist up ah?? must take both sides of the hand??
agency: up to you.
joel: okok.. thank you.
below are the pictures of my hands. hahahahaha

anw i didnt get the job in the end..
i think my hands are too ugly.
Fuck. my 1st ever hand job and i failed it. LOL
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