Preparing the chicken.
Marinating the fillets by massaging it.
haha. i am so nice.

Had to prepare the sambal sotong too.
Pulling out the head so that i can remove the insides.

Phyllis yap did not help at all.
asked her to tear 4 pieces of aluminium foil and she tore 12.
so she used the remaining for skin wrap hoping to lose some fats. impossible.

The rest were made into entrance tickets like the above.

Me, Cheeyong, Siukwok, Jialiang and newly adopted Shaun.

Trying hard to start the bbq fire.
showing the noobs how it is done.
i am damn zai.

The wonderful chicken wings that were marinated by my mum.
They were damn nice.

Everyone. from left to right.
oakcalves, qiaoyi, me, noob, liting, jialiang, jason, lky, shaun, Jiehuai

My dear freshie jason bought me a nice T-shirt from China.
i like mao ze dong!

My beloved Noob.

The cooking bachelors.

My wonderfully made and cooked sambal sotong.
damn nice.

They said the food wasn't enuff so i ordered pizza.
damn poor now. :(

Hawaiian and Meatlover's Pizza

Finished in like 10 mins.

I look like i have damn long legs in this picture.

Relaxing after eating too much.

All the wasted food.
the burnt sotong balls are cook by the noob cy.

How can i not put in my beautiful middle finger??

The curry thunder thighs are back in action!!

Making the rest clean up.
so that i dun have to clean up.

Playing with sparklers.
digging my nose with it seems a damn good idea!

The seniors!!!

Shebec photo. some will be missed.
anw look at me. all ready to throw phyllis into the pool.
i am such a nice Co. haha

Phyllis loves swimming.

I Love my new communist Tshirt. haha
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